Confira abaixo o que ela escreveu...
"i wish it surprised me more to hear about people being attacked for things beyond their control. a person's skin colour, faith, sexual orientation, or nationality are not reasons for persecution- i would say that this is my personal belief- however, it shouldn't be up for discussion.
NO ONE should have to suffer any sort of attack, verbal or physical, for any reason. there are no excuses for violence- people say "well they're just ignorant or uneducated" - so what??? i don't know how to speak chinese, i haven't studied hinduism, i've never been to brazil, that doesn't mean that i feel that it's ok for me to hate what i don't understand, least of all resort to violence when challenged.
unfortunately people are killed, beaten and attacked daily for a number of ridiculously irrational reasons. it's frightening to me that when i hear a story about someone being beaten up i am not as shocked by it as I should be- purely due to the fact that these incidents, as horrifying as they may be, are not isolated.
it's 2009 people, why are we still fighting each other? the whole world is a damn mess and we're too busy hating to come together and change it. President Obama ran a campaign based on hope- not hope for any group of people in particular- hope for everyone. His message was embraced worldwide, so why can't we, here in the US, fight together instead of with one another? I'm not saying that everyone has to love everyone individually, i'm no hippie, but seriously people, no one should ever resort to violence. What if your sister, mother, brother or father were being pummeled for wearing a red sweater? would you stand by and do nothing? well, we are all someone's child, sibling, or friend! Open your eyes!
sorry to vent, but that picture above was taken after a girl was attacked at a party i dj'd in seattle, simply for being gay. it's disgusting.
sorry for rambling, but it makes me so sad that this sh*t happens today."
A foto à qual Samantha se refere é a seguinte:
A única coisa que nos resta dizer é: "Think about it!"
LL & SR <3